We dodged a bullet this spring. We had our first encounter with a Dome Hater. It came out of the blue and was not connected to us directly. It falls under the crazy neighbor category. We have all heard stories of crazy neighbors even if we haven't directly experienced one. Directly next to our property is another lot for sale. We were surprised and caught off guard when we started getting text messages from the owner letting us know that his potential buyer had plans to stop us from building a dome. Clearly a HATER but at least our current neighbor gave us the heads up! We bought a 8.5 acre lot and changed the house site to be 650 ft back from the road on top of a hill. The house itself is only 18 ft high and will be painted an earth tone with the plans to grow vines over it. The house site on the lot next to us is 75 ft from the road and in a low hollow area. The house would be about 500 feet from us and they would need to look through 3 tree lines. I would be surprised...
Building a monolithic dome home in a small Connecticut town. Follow the ups and downs of building a round house in a town where houses with all straight lines are the norm.