Money, Money, Money! Unfortunately everything always comes down to money. Financing is one of the hot topics when it comes to building an unconventional home. If you look around online there are many people interested in dome houses but one of the common threads is financing. Where do I get it? Can I get it? Is it different than getting financing to build a conventional home? The short answer is.... it depends. Not a very helpful and kinda disheartening answer. There are many different ways to approach it and each person may only have one way that will work for them. I wrote a detailed post about it right after we managed to finally find a bank to work with us. Read about it HERE. We had given up and something I read online made me research again. That's when I found our solution. It has been almost a year since I wrote the other post about financing. We didn't get as much as we would have liked because it is a home equity loan against the land we own not based on how much...
Building a monolithic dome home in a small Connecticut town. Follow the ups and downs of building a round house in a town where houses with all straight lines are the norm.