There is one thing that is becoming clear about building a house. You must be ready to just wait. Wait for everything.
When you are house shopping you actively go out and look at the homes that might work for you. Even if you don't find something you like, there is an element of action. With building a house the instant gratification of choosing isn't there. We have many more specific choices to make but it isn't the same. Our choices will eventually become a physical thing but at this point in the process they are all just paper. This waiting is just part of the process but that doesn't mean we like it.
There are professionals from many fields that need to come together to build our house and they are busy people ( = waiting). There is also an order things need to go in (= waiting). This is painfully slow at times. For several weeks we have known we needed to meet with the town to clarify a few things (= waiting). The town meeting has officially been set for this week! Town Meeting! FINALLY!
When you are house shopping you actively go out and look at the homes that might work for you. Even if you don't find something you like, there is an element of action. With building a house the instant gratification of choosing isn't there. We have many more specific choices to make but it isn't the same. Our choices will eventually become a physical thing but at this point in the process they are all just paper. This waiting is just part of the process but that doesn't mean we like it.
There are professionals from many fields that need to come together to build our house and they are busy people ( = waiting). There is also an order things need to go in (= waiting). This is painfully slow at times. For several weeks we have known we needed to meet with the town to clarify a few things (= waiting). The town meeting has officially been set for this week! Town Meeting! FINALLY!
Well... not exactly a town meeting. It is more of a building department meeting but I can't help hearing the Mayor in my head.
We had to wait for the construction documents to arrive before setting this meeting. We need to wait for the building department meeting to then get our new engineering quotes. With any luck by next week we will have some clue on how to handle our current road block. Then we can just wait some more while the engineer finalizes the plans.
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