We are waiting for the surveyor to schedule the work he needs to complete for the health department. We need maps and documents corrected before we can apply for a septic permit. In the mean time we continue to work on small projects when the weather cooperates. This spring has been colder and wetter than normal so mother nature has been very unhelpful. We continue to get snow flurries even though it is May when our daytime temps should be in the 70's not the 40's and 50's! Here is our snow from mid April. In the few nice days we get, we are trying to complete a bunch of back burner projects. One very back burner project we completed was field cleanup on an overgrown old cow pasture. It is about 2 acres and when we bought the property it was about 8ft high full of invasive plants. Mostly full of horrible things with prickers even the deer wouldn't walk through. We have been brush hogging it 2 times a year to rein it in a bit but it was still not mowable by the lawn trac...
Building a monolithic dome home in a small Connecticut town. Follow the ups and downs of building a round house in a town where houses with all straight lines are the norm.